Key guidelines to follow when merchandising a table:
Visual moments

Have a strong category selected for your table display. Possible categories could include new summer arrivals, beach day essentials, or summer concert/festival pieces.
< Example of Category – New summer arrivals or summer concert looks!

Cross Merchandising:
Table displays offer a great opportunity to cross-merchandise different products within your category. This allows you to demonstrate to customers how items can be paired and purchased together to create a multiple-item sale.
Example for a summer festival table: bottom options like denim shorts & skirts, fun top options like band T’s and crop tops, cowboy boots, smaller purses, sunglasses, statement jewelry, and some hats! Another great idea if you have them is adding in cute tumblers and beauty products like sunscreen & lip-gloss.
Example of Cross-merchandising: Tops, bottoms, & accessories to complete the looks.

Visual Moments:
To attract customers to shop the table display, it's important to include visual elements such as a mannequin, a vase with seasonal foliage such as greenery or florals, and suitable decor and props related to your category.
Example of Visual moments: Outfitted mannequin & a vases with florals & branches.
Are you interested in learning how to merchandise a profitable table? What about training for you and your staff on creating profitable displays throughout your entire store? Our Visual Marketing & Merchandising course covers it all as well as our E-Book "How to Merchandise a Table"